Friday, October 2, 2009

Defendants Who Exposed ACORN Should Be Exonerated

"ACORN (The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) was favored and nurtured until recently by many on the left in state legislatures around the country and in Congress.

The organization was recently embarrassed by an investigation by two young people using a concealed camera and recording devices. "A video sting had caught ACORN workers counseling a bogus prostitute and pimp on how to set up a brothel staffed by under-age girls, avoid detection and cheat on taxes. The young woman in streetwalker's clothes and her companion were actually undercover conservative activists with a hidden camera," The New York Times' Public Editor said Sept. 27,

As a result of this scandal, ACORN lost millions of dollars of federal funding. It announced it would sue the investigating pair and others involved, because they "recorded the staff members without their consent, which is illegal [in Maryland]."

If Maryland law does makes such recordings illegal, its legislature should immediately enact a law to legalize them and, if possible, make the law retroactive as well. If the Maryland legislature does not rescind the law, hopefully the defendants will be exonerated under the theory of jury nullification: a jury refusing in the interest of justice and equity to carry out the letter of the law."

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